How Much Does It Cost to Attend Private Schools in Los Angeles?

For those looking to give their children the best education possible, Los Angeles is a great place to start. With more than 1,000 private schools in the city, there are plenty of options for families to choose from. But how much does it cost to attend one of these schools? THR polls the 29 best K-12 campuses best suited for famous families and budding tycoons to find out. Edarabia shows all private schools in Los Angeles, allowing parents to filter by tuition rates, curriculum, ratings & grades.

If a parent does not receive a salary, the school will make a financial adjustment to the application to take into account the income that the parent could receive if he chooses to work. Marlborough is a private college, high school and college preparatory school for girls located in the heart of Los Angeles. A Marlborough financial aid grant, which can range from 5 to 100% of school expenses, covers the most necessary expenses your child will incur as part of the Marlborough experience. Marlborough uses School and Student Services (SSS) to evaluate and process applications for financial aid.

Depending on the level of education, kindergartens (preschool), primary, secondary and secondary schools will have variable enrollment rates. This fee covers all applications for all dependents who apply for financial aid at schools that use SSS for their financial aid process. In other words, the Marlborough School will not consider an application for financial assistance at any time once a family submits the application and is admitted as a full-salary student. Unless there is a change in circumstances, you should expect about the same amount of financial aid each year your child attends school.

If either parent has remarried or lives with another adult who contributes to the household income, the school will consider the assets of the stepparent or partner, always taking into account that the primary responsibility for payment lies with the natural parents. The Marlborough School considers both parents' assets when evaluating students for a financial aid award.

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